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[软件] Audio Hijack Mac版









Rank: 1

发表于 2008-5-30 | |阅读模式
Audio Hijack Mac版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款强大的音频录音工具,可以录制任何音频,无论是通过麦克风,还是系统内部软件的音频都可以进行高品质的录制,比如Safari、Facetime、DVD Player等,还有各种音效插件进行后期处理,非常强大的一款录音工具!6 b$ w) D9 W+ b% H9 p

5 `+ j# Y7 P0 ~5 r% jAudio Hijack for Mac 版功能介绍; z+ T' _0 G5 U' m. y: a0 L
【1】Audio Hijack Pro是一款强大的Mac录音软件,应用不仅支持从Mac电脑的麦克风录取声音,还可以将应用发出的声音录制。Audio Hijack Pro 3是全新版本,各种功能和界面都进行了优化和增强,让软件变得更强大,功能更多。与一般的录音软件相比,Audio Hijack Pro 3 可以在录音时混合多个音源,实现更好的最终效果,减少后期编辑。7 a0 Z" J% X5 H% _' I3 g! N
【2】Audio Hijack Pro 3 采用深色界面设计,整体风格看上去很细腻。应用的偏好设置中没有太多功能,主界面分为 Sessions(会话)、录音(Recordings)和项目计划(Schedule)。应用主界面的中间是是图标,以及教学指导。我们可以点击左下角的“New Session(新会话)”开启录音功能。8 \! V7 [9 B2 t: k$ e
【3】Audio Hijack Pro 3 支持多种录音模板,我们还可以根据自己的需要选择空白的回话。Audio Hijack Pro 3  主要支持录制应用声音、录制 DVD 声音、录制时增加音量、录制麦克风声音、录制播客、录制唱片、录制时增强效果,录制 Mac 发出的所有声音、录制聊天应用的声音以及录制网络浏览器的声音。各种模板应有尽有,满足一切需要,非常强大。
% p, j2 ~3 t2 P3 s/ U" [: Y& U【4】Audio Hijack Pro 3 的定时录制功能,可以选择在某个时间点,或者在固定时间内重复录制某个声音。1 }: S9 A" k/ R. u6 Y; F
【5】Audio Hijack Pro 3  的录制功能非常直观,我们可以选择录入设备以及录制方法,右侧可以选择更多的声音来源和输出设备,或者直接加入各种声音效果,完成设置后,点击左下角的按钮即可开始录制。! G& _$ B$ [0 H8 m1 Y$ Z
【6】完成录制后,可以查看录制文件的长度、尺寸、文件格式等信息。- y3 b8 \+ U; }, ^" d0 H6 l: `
【7】在制定自己的录制计划时,可以点击录制器进行更多的设置。比如选择,保存文件夹位置,保存格式等。Audio Hijack Pro 3  是一款功能非常强大的录音软件,几乎可以满足所有类型的录音需求。
$ m$ `7 r: P4 y6 E; A2 F* r" h 2 V) W& q) M; B! g" k9 s
Audio Hijack for Mac破解版功能特色
$ p) |% u1 m/ ^. I: D1、标签编辑
7 [/ Z9 K) r4 e" J在「Recorder」或音频预览窗口,您都能进行文件名,ID3标签进行编辑,在输入框右侧你会发现一个「X」按钮,点击后出现一个下拉菜单,你能快速插入一些常用的Tags,比如年月日,具体时间等标签。8 K/ T5 ~' v/ j

, o9 \% R9 m" \& L2、智能分割文件
: a/ f* g% @+ [# aAH 3支持在录音过程中对保存的音频文件进行手动分割,但如果录音文件太大时,系统还会自动分割文件- H1 h3 T/ S  `* b1 C
; Y- E' \# f) }6 P5 {
3、保存录音Presets5 p+ d' n* U4 ?9 S. C
在「Source」,「Outputs」,「Effects」这些模块内,根据每次录音的需求你都会调整其中的参数,但你需要重复应用这些参数时,每次做手动调节太浪费时间了,有了Preset,你可以将参数保存起来,下次应用时直接运用即可。& c% H- V3 Q/ q' `  h* D: ]

5 e; y+ u7 K, q* p4 p3 e4、防卡录音9 J6 C; ~* J$ J& P8 |
当你的Mac突然卡死不能操作时,AH 3会在后台自动保证录音工作的正常进行,官方给起了个形象的名字:「Bulletproof Recording」。
- H8 R8 Y' e0 O. {# |3 T
2 [# z9 q8 F! \7 L" E$ a
' @; v* `: m* g1 f2 [- m+ \DESCRIPTION
( z& P0 i2 I. }# l" ?, aAudio Hijack (was Audio Hijack Pro) drastically changes the way you use audio on your computer, giving you the freedom to listen to audio when you want and how you want. Record and enhance any audio with Audio Hijack – it’s the cornerstone of your digital audio experience.
; f  ^4 P5 g4 E9 S2 P4 b" W. S: G
" H+ D. Z  L8 I# A" Z9 B1 J# ZAudio Hijack will allow you to record any application’s audio, from Internet streams to DVD audio and everywhere in between. If your machine can play it, Audio Hijack can record it. And that’s not all – Audio Hijack will also enhance any audio, unsing industry-standard VST and AudioUnit audio effects to make your music sound incredible. Record. Enhance. Enjoy!3 z% ^. ?5 o7 W- h2 j8 P5 }" b9 d
" `0 H, U) a9 @4 E/ C

, ~$ O3 `; D. z% U6 t0 J5 q1 [$ I) Z; PWHAT’S NEW; H( F. q- J. ~3 F; u. s8 p; n
Version 4.0.3:' g9 g1 z6 ~  \6 h+ p/ _
Scripting: New “Open Recording in Editor” Script* W& p7 v/ c* \: b
Use the new “Open Recording in Editor” built-in script to pass audio files to the audio editor specified in Audio Hijack’s preferences.
" J- L1 T. g$ r6 ?4 U. DSmarter Templates
$ q$ K# k2 O6 cTemplates are now more intelligent in picking applications. This includes selecting the system’s default browser and default call app, as well as picking third-party VoIP and music apps if present.
# B9 A; g1 Q( k1 b' L  ^If Fission is present on the system, Audio Hijack will use it as its editor, if no other editor is set.$ P$ \) G4 C- n0 t0 @  a
A new article for VoiceOver users has been added to our Knowledge Base. This article provides a useful overview of using Audio Hijack 4 with VoiceOver. It can be accessed at https://rogueamoeba.com/support/ ... icle=VoiceOver-AH4. Further, the Session List window now includes a button (available only via VoiceOver) to guide users to this article.) H, M& f) W3 y5 t- Z
The Input Switch no longer incorrectly takes 3+ connections in manual connections mode.! Z% ]2 G5 j, v9 V0 R* ~2 V  ^4 l
Background rows in both the Session List window and the global window now correctly alternate colors at all times.  P/ R* F& q! b  L4 z( L
Using Undo to remove a block after adding it now works better. Further improvements are still pending.
& S' @( ?; Y9 e; g8 X/ D5 XDeleting a recording that’s currently playing now correctly stops playback.  G' b0 _: B* a3 Z. ]' ]7 h
The “Info” tab now better shrinks when a session is reduced toward its minimum height, specifically by reducing the height of the “Notes” field., n9 n$ o8 w4 v
The AUAudioFilePlayer Audio Unit has been special-cased, to continue playing audio even when the popover is closed.# G; I, Z. y- o: H7 a: _  Q/ S
A graphical glitch which could occur when dragging plugin windows has been fixed.
& V" L7 Y2 I4 K+ I' VAn incompatibility with the views supplied by v3 Audio Units has been fixed, and these plugins will now respond to mouse events as expected.' k/ D6 a5 p1 r1 o
A rare issue where Audio Unit effects could incorrectly switch to a Generic view when switching Spaces has now been corrected.
: o' N3 [/ m/ l7 f4 D! fAudio Hijack now better handles recordings where a paused Recorder has its “Split” button pressed.
: J4 ?7 P% j8 Y; v* x* h% }7 RPinned block popovers now stay on screen, even if their session is closed.: ?0 i$ w$ i# Y) Q7 h8 F
Audio Hijack now offers a “Safe Start” option. Hold Shift at launch to prevent any windows from opening, and stop auto-run sessions from running.
; G3 y2 ^+ @+ kThe “Audio Unit Effects” section of the Blocks library has been updated to no longer show Instruments effects by default. For those users who wish to have those Audio Units included, a “Show Audio Unit Instruments” hidden preference has been added to the Debugging window (accessible via the “Quit and Relaunch to Debugging” menu option, accessed by pressing the option key while in the “Help” menu). This preference will be automatically enabled for existing users who are using Instruments in Audio Hijack., k3 F! t# ?$ `, L( i4 V% Y
Session errors now explicitly mention, by name, the session in which the error occurred.# z$ w3 {5 G1 x
Help tags for popover controls have been updated, and now correctly reflect state.
7 W. F: ?+ E6 b7 G1 Y+ jThe “Input Device” block is now more intelligent about shortening the word “Microphone” down to “Mic”, to save space.2 T! I8 Q1 b# n4 Q* e) r
Debug logging for scripting has been improved, to enable us to provide better support with scripting issues.
2 B: M; g" X2 k( K2 |) l6 pAudio Hijack’s “License” window now subtly shows the application’s version number.
2 N, w- E( K/ gTweaks have been made to the “General” and “File Limits” tabs in the “Recorder” block, to synchronize their height and prevent unnecessary resizing.2 U- z/ d0 d  H# Z; p; n6 s
A small change has been made to app launch, to prevent auto-launch or timer start sessions starting before startup is finalised/windows are shown and reduce the chance of issues.5 F6 \. A( H) k" @' \7 K4 ^
Fussy typography improvements have been made to the mailing list sign-up window which is displayed on the fifth launch for new users.








Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2008-6-3 |
Audio Hijack的绝佳用途7 v$ r/ q7 x5 ]* J. A4 h& J  ^: ]
* o: V; d, @! m* O/ ]
8 \. d$ O( p/ D; l& L! p网络上有大量令人难以置信的流音频,而Audio Hijack将帮助您保存它以供离线收听。
' d2 C+ }' `6 a) i" I3 x4 |9 D
- _- }5 E# ]7 S2 }% s简易VoIP录音$ J: P$ t( j: U0 C2 ?) F6 \. M
轻松捕获来自Skype,FaceTime,Google Talk或任何其他VoIP服务的对话。' ]- `1 S1 ^1 Y% K+ L0 t

" G; @9 s) d! v* ^9 Q/ n强大的播客录音* `6 @" _# k; Y# [- z2 h
1 H. F( w  P9 s& |
6 I4 F7 N! w% O# V) `' h& D调高音量# R+ C9 I6 c/ u% }
卡在小型笔记本电脑扬声器上了吗?使用Volume Overdrive加快音量,以便听到声音。) p" c" m: Y8 [
% D5 O9 W% Z# J9 [1 _8 V* n$ l
调整和重新路由音频* q" ~. }% i  b+ C# b
将Audio Hijack与我们的实用程序“环回”结合使用,可以从一个应用程序捕获音频,进行调整,然后将其发送到另一个应用程序。, i) E4 v, a0 @+ `# \% {2 s5 H
& U# _/ u' _# f2 A+ J+ m4 D8 w
) A( Y* |$ J! w+ w  i6 W! z9 }广播输出使您可以将音频发送到Shoutcast和Icecast服务器以进行全局收听。
( u8 w% P- K( z+ q6 v" l) j. o9 f2 W3 Y2 K7 R
更多精彩功能' [! z2 L3 e% i+ M
8 U" Y1 Z) N7 e8 n3 i6 ^4 k8 o$ u
% e$ }$ r( c) r) J+ }( y! ?: B录制为世界上最受欢迎的音频格式,包括MP3和AAC,或保存为高保真AIFF,WAV,ALAC或FLAC。( K! h9 z6 R# q( A# _
% r1 S5 J. i9 o
可重用的会话: |/ ^, x! V8 \0 u
5 S7 {% Z* |  y# I( C
# D) G  |# _& r3 p( {方便的文件整理( K0 f# m7 Z+ \8 A! F( Y) N* b. C
在“录音”选项卡中找到按会话排序的所有录音,您可以在其中将文件快速传递到音频编辑器,将其添加到iTunes或共享。: a+ I& L. @: m: c. T+ h. E

, a* O) \/ s' [" x% W9 G! o定时录音% \4 A. j2 r" C% x! d
使用“时间表”标签可以为不在的人设置定时录制。当您返回时,您的音频将在等您。4 N- u, C! c- W6 g% x+ t
' _. f) O4 e& x$ E/ A8 a
3 y2 f$ w" s% E当检测到静音时,Audio Hijack可以自动停止录制,拆分为新文件或删除音频。! d* o+ O- w4 F5 Y, I$ `

) d9 H, C6 A) j3 Q防弹记录4 V. \7 @) f' m
8 s8 H- C+ Q2 o" c) ~. A" e: ?/ S
: j& e4 Y. q$ U3 M3 g8 v; i- ^Audio Hijack直观的音频网格提供了绝佳的管道样式视图,可精确地显示音频的流向,因此您可以轻松地理解它。2 \/ U$ \5 j; ^! O) {

: D8 F$ d1 B$ f: R! i& U华丽的音效4 O) `+ ^  Z7 G8 J( W! y
0 r. T* f4 M9 f0 k1 J5 |+ a: a& [
时移音频2 [' o% Y1 P, D" X! z! I
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