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[资讯] Focusrite以3920万英镑的价格收购Martin Audio









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发表于 2020-1-12 | |阅读模式
在今年早些时候收购了ADAM Audio之后,Focusrite收购了扬声器公司

PSNEurope已对Focusrite前所未有地收购扬声器制造商Martin Audio进行了统计,以准确了解该公司获得了什么。

Focusrite宣布打破其基于录音室的起源,宣布要收购专业音频业务中发展最快的扬声器公司之一,这将令许多人感到惊讶。主要是为音乐制造商提供工具的公司,很少有人会看到这样的交易,尤其是在今年早些时候以1,620万英镑收购了受人尊敬的耳机和监控品牌ADAM Audio来巩固自己在录音室领域的地位之后。



据说Focusrite已经为Martin Audio支付了3,920万英镑(其中“大约有400万英镑现金”)。那么,它究竟能从中得到什么呢?

在截至2018年12月31日的一年中,Martin Audio的营业额为2170万英镑,EBITDA为260万英镑,EBIT为240万英镑。截至2018年12月31日,马丁音频的净资产为410万英镑。

在截至2019年10月的12个月中(未经审计),马丁音频的营业额为2440万英镑(同比增长12%),EBITDA为340万英镑(同比增长31%),EBIT为£劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)的私募股权部门持有Martin Audio的大量股权,并支持由常务董事Dom Harter领导的现有管理团队从全球音频业务中收购该公司,收购金额为290万美元,这标志着LDC的退出。专家Loud Audio于2018年7月发布。值得注意的是,该交易为LDC提供了2.6倍的货币收益。

Focusrite特别感兴趣的是Martin Audio关键市场的增长率。根据伦敦证券交易所的估计,全球巡回/安装/便携式音响市场价值超过18.5亿美元。而且公司一直在不断发展的全球范围内不断增加新的分销商:目前,马丁音频公司约33%的销售销往美国和美洲。欧洲,中东和非洲地区41%;在亚太地区占26%。

交易完成后,预计Martin Audio将继续在海威科姆的现有总部和工厂中运营,该公司74名员工中的绝大多数都位于该工厂。


哈特说:“ LDC一直是一个真正的支持伙伴。他们鼓励我们专注于我们的优先事项,并相信我们可以继续前进。我们的合作伙伴关系为我们提供了一个理想的平台,可以在业务的关键增长领域进行投资,扩大我们的客户群并从根本上改善我们的运营方式。加入Focusrite意味着我们可以继续这一旅程,并在全球更多的音乐节和公共商业场所扮演中心舞台,以巩固我们作为领先的高性能扬声器品牌的声誉。”

首席执行官蒂姆·卡罗尔(Tim Carroll)表示:“对马丁音频的收购清楚地表明了我们扩展至互补性新市场的战略目标。Martin Audio是一个稳固的品牌,拥有雄厚的财务实力,可以立即为扩大后​​的集团增加价值。同样重要的是,业务在文化上与我们现有的业务保持一致。当我们继续致力于通过消除创造力障碍,通过音乐丰富生活的目标时,他们将发挥重要作用;从音乐灵感的第一火花到舞台上充满情感的表演。马丁音频团队与我们一样渴望创新,也热衷于音乐和声音发烧友。它们与Focusrite的地理位置十分接近,将极大地帮助他们制定未来的交叉销售和营销策略。”

伦敦LDC负责人Yann Souillard表示:“对于Martin Audio和LDC而言,这都是一个了不起的成绩,证明了我们合作的成功。我们希望Dom和团队在下一阶段的工作中一切顺利,我们毫不怀疑他们将继续推动业务向前发展。”

最不发达国家(LDC)投资总监菲利普·韦斯顿(Philip Weston)表示:“马丁音频的成功记录与平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyds)的后目录一样广泛。我们一直在密切合作,以帮助企业树立品牌,并将其业务范围扩展到国际市场。这笔交易是对管理团队为在过去18个月内以最快的速度发展业务所付出的不断努力的真正荣誉。”









Rank: 1

 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-12 |
Focusrite plc has acquired Martin Audio and its associated companies, which comes shortly after Focusrite’s recent acquisition of loudspeaker manufacturer ADAM Audio.

Bringing Martin Audio under the Focusrite umbrella provides Focusrite with an opportunity to explore new territory as Tim Carroll, CEO of Focusrite, explained: “The acquisition of Martin Audio is a strong demonstration of our strategic aim to expand into new markets. Martin Audio is also an established brand with solid financials that instantly add value. More importantly, though, they’re culturally aligned with a clear part to play in our unfolding narrative.

“The Focusrite Group is, first and foremost, a professional music technology company, focused on enriching lives through music by removing barriers to creativity; from that first spark of musical inspiration, to delivering an emotionally charged performance on stage. Martin Audio completes that journey, uniting the audience by creating the ultimate live sound experience. The Martin Audio family share our hunger to innovate and our passion as music and sound enthusiasts. That we’re just a stone’s throw away will only further help unite us in achieving our common goal.”

Focusrite founder and chairman, Phil Dudderidge, commented, highlighting the long-term close relationship between the two companies: “I have known Martin Audio since its beginnings in Covent Garden in 1971. Founder Dave Martin and I became close friends in 1989 when I served as an advisor to him and non-executive chairman for a year or so as we prepared the company for sale to Tannoy Goodman International plc (TGI) in 1990.

“Martin Audio is a close neighbour to Focusrite Audio Engineering in High Wycombe and their current management recognised that Focusrite plc was the obvious trade candidate to acquire the business from its private equity and management ownership structure. My conviction as to the outstanding performance of the Martin MLA system was cemented at BST Hyde Park concerts in recent years, notably Tom Petty in 2017 and Eric Clapton in 2018.”

Martin Audio will continue to operate from its offices and factory in High Wycombe, UK under the leadership of managing director Dominic Harter. Harter added: “Martin Audio has been uniting audiences through great sound for almost five decades. Our continued success has been down to a clear, well-executed strategy with over sixty new products launched over the last four years and double-digit growth each year. In Focusrite we have an industry neighbour of the finest pedigree; a global leader in its own right. Their culture mirrors our own and, getting to know the team, I sense a strong similarity with the deep-rooted values of our own Martin Audio Family.

“Focusrite are the perfect partner to help Martin Audio continue the innovations that have driven its success. So it is with great pride and enthusiasm that we take this next step; a momentous occasion as the Martin Audio brand enters its 50th year. Working with Tim, Phil and the Focusrite team, I look forward to seeing all our staff and the wider family grow together, continuing to bring our unique optimised sonic experience to more and more audiences across the globe.”
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