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Variety of Sound Releases FREE epicPLATE Reverb Plugin

2022-6-1 08:21| 发布者: 863280| 查看: 401| 评论: 0

摘要: Variety of Sound Releases FREE epicPLATE Reverb PluginVariety of Sound released epicPLATE, a freeware plate reverb VST plugin for digital audio workstations on Windows.epicPLATE is Variety of Sound’s ...
Variety of Sound Releases FREE epicPLATE Reverb Plugin
Variety of Sound released epicPLATE, a freeware plate reverb VST plugin for digital audio workstations on Windows.

epicPLATE is Variety of Sound’s second reverb plugin released to date. Their previous reverb effect called epicVerb is now discontinued.

The new epicPLATE plugin is an emulation of classic plate reverbs. It attempts to capture the distinct sound character of vintage plate reverb units that keeps these old-school effects popular even in the modern age of digital audio processing.

The user interface is straightforward, with seven control knobs and several switches. From left to right, the plugin features a Drive knob, a Pre-Delay control, Decay, HP/LP Filter knob, a Width knob, a Dry/Wet control, and the Output volume knob.

The Drive knob is something I’m not used to seeing in reverb plugins. However, it’s not surprising to see some sort of saturation in a Variety of Sound plugin. After all, the developer is known for some of the most accurate analog saturation plugins currently available (FerricTDS mkII is a must-try if you’re looking for an authentic tape emulation plugin).

And that’s precisely what’s going on here. According to the manual, epicPLATE features a “unique output amplifier stage which can be utilized to glue the outgoing dry/wet mix together.” It is recommended to use epicPLATE as an insert effect to get the most out of this feature.

Once done with the main parameters, the user can choose between the Bright and Dark processing modes. These are two plate reverb algorithms that are damped differently

epicPLATE also features a Gate switch, which is essential for getting that classic 80s gated reverb sound (can you feel it in the air tonight?).

Variety of Sound included fifteen presets to help new users get started with epicPLATE. The presets cover some of the most popular plate reverb settings, some of which you’ll recognize from classic 80s hits.

“epicPLATE delivers an authentic recreation of classic plate reverberation. It covers the fast and consistent reverb build-up as well as that distinct tonality the plate reverb is known for and still so much beloved today. Its unique reverb diffusion makes it a perfect companion for all kinds of delay effects and a perfect fit not only for vocals and drums.”

To download your free copy of epicPLATE, simply visit the product page linked below and head to the downloads section. Variety of Sound’s plugins are always easy to download and use – no installation or registration is required.
Unfortunately, only Windows-based digital audio workstations are supported right now. There is no indication that macOS compatibility is coming anytime soon.









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