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EuroPi Consequencer: Grids and Turing Machine inpired sequencer

2022-2-13 09:04| 发布者: stepicvst| 查看: 397| 评论: 0

摘要: Consequencer is a gate and stepped CV sequencer inspired by Mutable Instruments Grids and the Music Thing Turing Machine for elegant patterns of randomness.The Consequencer has been designed by Nik An ...
Consequencer is a gate and stepped CV sequencer inspired by Mutable Instruments Grids and the Music Thing Turing Machine for elegant patterns of randomness.

The Consequencer has been designed by Nik Ansell and is built on the EuroPi platform designed by Allen Synthesis. EuroPi is a neat open source user reprogrammable module based on the Raspberry Pi Pico that allows the inputs and controls to produce outputs derived from code written in Python.

The module features 6 CV outputs with LEDs, 2 knobs with 12-bit resolution and 2 buttons. At the top, you have a CV input and a digital input for clocking or gates. What’s happening on the Pi Pico can be displayed on the 128×32 OLED display.

Nik’s coding has created a module that produces gate patterns and CV sequences that can be smoothly morphed between and randomised. The gate patterns start off as a library of popular patterns that you can select on the right-hand knob. The left knob then introduces an amount of gate sequence randomness. Stepped CV sequences are generated automatically in response to the patterns and you can re-generate new ones with the touch of a button. It also remembers the last one so you can go back to the previous sequence if you wish.

The patterns generate three channels of gates that you could patch into three different percussive sources. These generate three different CV outputs for stepped CV notes or modulation.

Consequencer is both useful as a pattern generator and an interesting way to add fills and variation to patterns. It just works on the twist of a knob – that’s brilliant. It’s a really fun little module with a ton of potential for running a little set.

Nik says he will build a small run of them for purchasing, otherwise, all the information you need on building one is available on Github.

Consequencer Github page.
EuroPi Github page.
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