hemidi 发表于 2019-12-1

Mesa Boogie Flux-Drive Overdrive 过载单块效果器

Mesa Boogie Flux-Drive Overdrive 过载单块效果器

这款Flux Drive过载效果单块相比于其他标准的过载来说有了更加持续,更加稳定的延音。将Gain与Level开关打开到适当的位置就会得到一种非常具有攻击性的音色,如果将Flux Drive接入音箱的干琴通道,会得到一种非常密集的音色,它非常适用于演奏Solo。独立的低,高音控制旋钮,让Flux Drive的声音与风格范围变得更加广泛。 无论是节奏,主音或是任何音乐风格还是不同种类的音箱,Flux Frive都有着非常好的表现.
Mesa/Boogie Flux-Drive Distortion Pedal at a Glance:

Wide-ranging overdrive is a workhorse for your pedalboard

Built tough in the USA for rugged reliability

Wide-ranging overdrive is a workhorse for your pedalboard
With the Flux-Drive in your guitar\'s signal chain, you\'ll be able to dial in tones from smooth, liquid lead tones through to classic overdrive tones. The Bass and Treble tone controls have 12dB of boost or cut available, which gives you a lot of tonal range to cover. And if you\'ve got a favorite tube amplifier that just loves to be hit hard, you can boost your signal by up to 20dB to help your amp find its sweet spot.

Built tough in the USA for rugged reliability
Mesa/Boogie has been hand-building some of the most sought after guitar gear in Petaluma, CA since the late \'60s. Early fans of Mesa gear include Carlos Santana and Keith Richards, guitarists whose tones have been chased by countless musicians ever since. When you plug into the Flux-Drive, you\'re tapping into decades of innovation. Especially if you gig regularly, you\'ll appreciate the top-notch sound and construction you get in the Flux-Drive.

Protected by Mesa and Sweetwater
Your new Mesa/Boogie pedal is protected by Mesa\'s limited 1-year warranty. Plus, you get additional protection from Sweetwater\'s exclusive Total Confidence Coverage? 2-year warranty!

Mesa/Boogie Flux-Drive Overdrive Pedal Features:

Versatile overdrive pedal with bass and treble tone controls

True bypass switching ensures you maintain your tone

Master level can add up to 20dB of signal boost

Powered by 1 x 9V battery or optional power supply (sold separately)

Designed and handbuilt in the USA

Inject serious mojo into your amp with the Mesa/Boogie Flux-Drive!      

SpecificationDetailTypeOverdriveInputs1 x InstrumentOutputs1 x 1/4"Power Supply IncludedNoBatteries1 x 9VManufacturer Part Numberfp.fluxdrive

Mesa Boogie (Mesa工程) 公司位于美国加州佩塔卢马,主要是制作吉他和贝斯的功放。它自1969年开始运作,Mesa开始时是一家小修理店,主要是维修及调整其他品牌功放,改装成更多增益音色等等。于1980年,Mesa继续生产自己的组合式吉他功放及功放头,而且也开始生产机架式功放及前置放大器。到了90年代,Mesa推出较小巧的Dual Caliber(双口径)系列及更强大的Rectifier (整流器)系列。直到2000年仍然持续生产全新的产品,例如Road King II, Lone Star 及Lone Star Special等等。Mesa Boogie这个品牌于全球的摇滚乐器事业上,占有着备受尊崇的重要地位。

指导价 ¥1350.00
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