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Lese Strum, a “sound strummer” spectral delay plugin

2022-7-6 08:37| 发布者: lan410| 查看: 388| 评论: 0

摘要: Lese Strum, a “sound strummer” spectral delay pluginSYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, you support the website. T ...
Lese Strum, a “sound strummer” spectral delay plugin

SYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation & partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, you support the website. Thanks! 

Lese Strum is a new “sound strummer” spectral delay plugin with control over individual bands, modulation on delay times, and more.

There are tons of classic delay plugins with simple delay time and feedback settings. I think we all have enough of those. In recent years, the trend has been towards advanced delays with extraordinary features.

From modulation, granular, and filtering… many developers are experimenting with new delay concepts. The still young developers of Lese have decided on their new plugin Strum for spectral synthesis in combination with delay.

Lese Strum
Strum is a new “sound strummer” spectral delay plugin designed to make spectral delays easy to use. It splits your signal evenly and cleanly into a bunch of different bands. From here, you can control the delay time and feedback of each band.

The plugin can work either in “free” or “sync” mode. In the latter each individual band’s delay time is synchronized to the tempo & time signature of your DAW, allowing for rhythmically-aware strumming. Further, Sturm provides a flexible modulation panel that gives you deeper control over the delay times. You can, for example, switch between “flutter” and “random” modes.

Strum is controlled by “factor bands” (control points) that alter all of the delay lines based on frequency. You can control the delay time, as well as the feedback with this system.

lese.io · Strum Demos
Strum can sound like a classic delay but its strength lies in the experimental sounds. It is capable to create sounds that are reminiscent of filtering with delay, physical modeling with strumming, and more.

Lese Strum is available now for $25 USD and runs as a VST3/AU plugin on macOS and Windows. A demo version is available on the developer website.










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