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Superbooth 2021: Noise Engineering Vice Virga sequential switch

2021-9-19 11:11| 发布者: 85232580| 查看: 435| 评论: 0

摘要: Superbooth 2021: Noise Engineering Vice Virga sequential switchNoise Engineering Vice VirgaNoise Engineering Vice Virga · Source: Noise EngineeringNoise Engineering Vice VirgaNoise Engineering Vice V ...
Superbooth 2021: Noise Engineering Vice Virga sequential switch
Noise Engineering Vice Virga
Noise Engineering Vice Virga  ·  Source: Noise Engineering

Noise Engineering Vice Virga
Noise Engineering Vice Virga  ·  Source: Noise Engineering

Noise Engineering Vice Virga
Noise Engineering Vice Virga  ·  Source: Noise Engineering

Noise Engineering Vice Virga
Appearing virtually at the show Noise Engineering revealed a brand new sequential switch module called Vice Virga and updated us on current production issues.


Vice Virga
It’s an 8-input 8-output sequential or voltage-controlled switch with a unique bit of Noise Engineering flavour. It can be a single 8-channel switch, two 4-channel switches, or four 2-channel switches. The sequence can run forward, backwards or pendulum. The configuration can be chosen via switches, trigger or CV inputs.

Sequential switches usually step sequentially – that’s their job, but Noise Engineering decided to stick in some randomisation. In one mode it will route the input to any random output in its group or configuration on every step advance. In another mode, it will bump up the chaos by randomising completely between all the groups.

Noise Engineering Vice Virga

I think the fact that you can group it into different collections of switches makes this a very versatile module. You could be switching between different patterns on different percussive modules, or extending sequencers and swapping routings all in the same module. You can see a demo of the Vice Virga in the video below at around 14:40.

Kris Kaiser and Stephen McCaul of Noise Engineering also took the time to fill us in on the difficulties this past year has brought to the production of modules. New modules they announced at the beginning of 2020 still haven’t arrived yet partly because they want to keep their manufacturers safe and partly because of component shortages. This has also affected unannounced modules that they hope will be coming soon.









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